Ny medarbejder i Mexico

14. december 2017

Der er kommet ny koordinator i Mexico, og vi har netop modtaget en hilsen fra hende 

"Now a couple of months into my time here I can say that the magic of the center has wedged a place in my heart. The role this place plays in the lives of everyone involved is vital. From the parents whose children have a second home here to the teachers and staff who form a family for each other. Though many changes have taken place recently, the love and devotion that first founded the organization are alive and well in those who continue to carry on this amazing work.

What has amazed me most is the incredible support from our volunteer community. The local San Miguel residents who come week after week and the international volunteers who return time and again to donate their most valuable possession: time!

Gracias! I hope to see some of you at the center very soon!


Vil du med til Mexico? Se mere her; 